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Alexander Technique

It is a practical method for optimal use of the body, improving balance, support and coordination when moving, resting, breathing, learning and organising our awareness and focus of attention. 

Changes brought about by good habits of diet and exercise are well understood.  The long-term effects of good habits of the ”use of the self” are less well-known but equally life-changing.


The Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique
The American Society for the Alexander Technique
General Alexander Technique information


We had two amazing workshops with Anna at MIT in the fall of 2021. I invited Anna to help my group at MIT get in shape after months of lockdown and long hours in front of our screens. She did an outstanding job helping us to think about, feel, and to control our postures. It was very relaxing, outside, on yoga mats, standing, laying on our backs, moving, stretching, and raising awareness about the alignment of our back, neck and head. Anna went further and offered to review our office space: she advised us on how to adjust our desk setups, monitors and chairs to reduce the fatigue we all get after long hours of work. Overall a great physical and team-building activity. Highly recommended for small and midsize groups. My students and staff were very grateful for having this opportunity to fine-tune their postures and to laugh a bit at each other.


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